Saturday, August 31, 2013

Grand Finale - Fall 2013

I just finished watching the first episode of the Pokemon anime on my Television (because watching Youtube videos, clear, with no crap on the screen, on your television, laying in your bed is a lifestyle, A LIFESTYLE!) and boy the nostalgia came back rushing to me. I sung along with the theme song and it really reminded me of the late 90s music scene. Too bad I was 12 back then. Its also so funny how, in my own head and through this narrative, my story is taking place inside it. Early on, I placed all the links to the anime, but I had always intended this to have its own story and plot. Eventually, the story really took over the sense that this was a Pokemon universe story, since I really don't like writing Battles (and there will be some, in the Grand Finale) but the truth is, the story and goal has remained the same as it was when I was 14 (fueled by crap about "Pokegods" and childish imagination). The only things I included on the fly were Psycho, John and Jamie. Psycho and John were based off this other thing a friend and I were doing, where I was a Pokemon Trainer with a Pokemon called "Psycho" and it can become anything it wants. Sometimes we also had him create moves for Pokemon, hence the Random TM. A piece of those adventures that wasn't written in the story was when they time travelled and Psycho made himself muscular to impress ladies, but then ruined when he grew tusks (like an elephant) on his upper lip. However, the story, more or less, would have been the same without them and their shenanigans. Sure, they met Jason and initially discovered Mewfour's location, but someone else would have done that (or perhaps Jason never did capture Mewfour at all?). Jamie was created when I just wanted to write about the time I made John fall out of a 3rd story window (but it needed to be an entirely different character). I clearly just tossed him aside after that. The other thing that I only inserted at the last minute was the Human-Type Pokemon (which was nothing more than a joke, the only actual "Human-Type Pokemon" will appear in the Grand Finale). The Secret Pokemon, Ninja, was not a Human-Type Pokemon, but at last minute, I included the concept since there seemed to be a lot I could do with it and it was actually easy to tie into the Mewtwo Genesis stuff and the overall theme of achieving Great Power. It also helped me be able to tie the characters of Chris, Steve, and Bob into the story. Chris, Steve, and Bob were always a part of the story - based on a comic book some kids in my schoolyard drew during the Pokemon craze, they guest starred in the RPG game my group played for April Fools '00. They might have had their introduction a bit early though, but I needed to introduce them before bad things happened and it was a milestone 50th chapter. But anyways... I digress.

So here's whats up, the whole story will be finished this Fall, and I will hold my words to that. After anticipating the Summertime for the whole Season, the whole thing just exploded in my face and it was the most lackluster Summer of my life. Needless to say, I'm gonna have to get myself straightened out. I have moved back to my house, and I will soon be back at the gym full time. In about 6 months, I will be back on the island with my house built, probably leagues above what I am now. During this time, I must be making changes, and that includes getting the story done and complete. The only thing my characters have to do, is have the meeting in Vermillion City. Then, a very short time skip (its not a long time skip, its only to show that the characters were already in the Grand Finale's setting at the start) and I will crank the story out in probably no time.

I couldn't even believe what had happened to me in the 2 years I had lived on the island. Only in the past few weeks have I realized I have become popular. I didn't want popularity. I am just the unassuming local bussie... But I guess thats what becomes of you when you make a surprise Karaoke appearances every Karaoke night and rock the house singing Love Shack (or Whitney Houston... shh). However, like I said, it was all out of my league. I didn't want the girls to know me before I ever saw them, I didn't want to work until 11:30PM leaving me little time to even try to get them. Yeah, I got personal issues. Its not confidence though, its more how I was raised than anything. Its just that I can't do anything about it due to health issues. Excuses, whatever. I will be back in March, just before the epic Spring Break time, hopefully 20 lbs heavier, with my own house, and three dogs rocking in my Purple Car with me going "I DON'T CARE! I LOVE IT!" Haha!

Til' I release the next Chapter, you few readers you :)

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