"No… No…. Jason… What have you done to my Squirtle? Yeah yeah. That Human-Type Pokemon is mine, I captured it. Wait, Jason, NO!!!"
"AAAABBRAAA!" said Andy the Abra, waking up in shock from his nightmare, quickly forgetting the whole thing. "… Abra." said Andy. Andy was sitting inside of a tent, and it was daylight outside. Andy unzipped the tent and went out. The camp was near a cliff, close to a waterfall and a stream. Accompanying Andy was Jake, Adam, Matthew, Brian, and Marble. All of them had been Pokemon Trainers from Kanto, including Andy, leaving close to the same time, receiving random Pokemon from Professor Oak.
"Hey, Andy. You're awake." Said Adam.
"Well guys, we've rested up for a full 36 hours. We're going to have to start this sometime eventually." said Jake, who was wearing a leather jacket. Jake pointed his finger towards a conspicuous fortress way off in the distant valley. "That right there, is Jason's base." Jake said. The six Pokemon trainers were going after Jason. Within a short amount of time, Jason became immensely powerful in complete mysterious ways. This had made Jason mad, insane with Power, as he acquired all four of the Official Legendary Pokemon, including Mewtwo. In addition, Jason had clearly been keeping many Secrets from his fellow Pokemon Trainers.
"Jason's base looks pretty far away." Adam said.
"Thats why I asked everyone to bring a Pokemon they could mount." Jake said.
"It's alright Jake, some of us just didn't get a Pokemon we could actually ride." Matthew said. "But we built up our bodies and trained our Pokemon like you asked us to."
"Yeah, we're ready to fight Jason now." Brian said.
"Listen guys, I have five Gyarados's." Marble said. "Plus a Dragonair, and my own Articuno, I think we're gonna be alright."
"If you're willing to take the long journey on your feet, thats up to you." Jake said. "As for me, I'm riding something." He said, taking out a Poke Ball.
"ARR-Canine!" said Jake's Arcanine.
"Whoa! Where did you get an Arcanine?" Adam asked.
"Well, I already had a Growlithe." Jake answered. "I just put it into the PC for awhile. All you need to do to evolve it is use a Fire Stone on it."
"Right." Brian said.
"Well guys." Jake said, climbing onto his Arcanine. "We've got to get going. Jason may already know we're here. He's preparing."
"I agree. Marble, can you get Andy?" Adam said to Marble.
"Okay Andy, for now we're putting you into the Poke Ball. You're too weak a Pokemon for the dangers that lie ahead…" Marble said to the Abra, recalling it into the Poke Ball.
"Abra…" Andy said, going into the Poke Ball.
"Alright everyone, lets go." Jake said, as his Arcanine then led the way…
Way out in the ever-expanding Southern Seas of Kanto was a Helicopter, constantly never-ending flying towards the South, persistent to find out what's out there. Curiously, sticking out the helicopter door was a tube that was going into the fuel tank. Inside the Helicopter was John and Psycho, and John's Charmeleon, which was using its power to fuel the helicopter endlessly. "Ha Ha, good work Charmeleon." John said.
"Charmeleon Charmeleon!" Charmeleon said.
"Eventually we're going to reach what I think they call the Far Southern Continent." Psycho said. "Around the time all us Human-Type Pokemon were growing up, we discussed a lot about it. Some say its nothing but dark jungles."
"Hey, what exactly do you mean, when you Human-Type Pokemon were growing up?" John asked.
"Though we've only been existing for about a year or more, a fraction of that time involved us rapidly aging to our respective ages." Psycho explained.
"Ah, hey look on the horizon! I see land!" John said, pointing out to the front vista.
"That must be it, the Island of Lubbers, the island we've been looking for!" Psycho said. The helicopter carrying John & Psycho continued its flight towards the Island of Lubbers.
On a monitor played footage of the Helicopter carrying John & Psycho. "Ah, hey look on the horizon! I see land!" John said, pointing out to the front vista.
"That must be it, the Island of Lubbers, the island we've been looking for!" Psycho said.
"It's them." said the voice watching the monitor. "I must capture them. They are partly the cause of all of this… and that Human-Type's powers would make me unstoppable." said the Hooded figure. "They will be landing on the Island of Lubbers, I know just who to send." said the Hooded Figure, and he blew his fingers like a whistle. Three figures appeared from above, sliding down ropes. "And as for all the others, I will monitor them for now, but there's no telling what they may still encounter on the Far Southern Continent."
Jake, and the rest were trekking through a dense jungle. Little did they know, from behind some tall boulders, someone was waiting to ambush them. Except, he simply appeared and made himself the business, showing his familiar grin. "Oh no, not you!" Jake said to the person, who responded with his usual grin. "I still remember what happened the last time I battled you Chris."
"Yeah, that's right, you lost!" Chris said, grinning away.
"Look, we are in the middle of something very important right now. Please go away." Jake said.
"But you need to battle me so you can win the Land of the Dead Badge. You can't become a Pokemon Master without the Land of the Dead Badge." Chris said.
"Didn't' your friends say they were carrying you back to Grim Fandango?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, they made it back, but they didn't realize they dropped my body, which you shot!" Chris said, grinning and staring intently at Jake.
"Listen, you cheat at Pokemon Battles!" Marble intervened.
"You know something? I don't even like Pokemon!" Chris said. "I go around mercilessly killing them with my friends. I hate them! Tell Japan to take their "Bulbachu's" and "Pikasaur's" elsewhere."
"If you hate Pokemon so much, why do you have some of your own?" Adam asked.
"You even have a Jigglypuff, which is an official Pokemon and all!" Marble said.
"Look kids, you're never going to become a Pokemon Master without the Land of the Dead Badge." Chris said.
"I DON'T WANT TO BE A POKEMON MASTER!" Jake screamed as he took out a Poke Ball. "Go Porygon 2!"
"Pooory!" said Porygon 2.
"Porygon 2, we have to get rid of Chris! Use Psybeam on him!" Jake commanded.
"Pooorygon!" said Porygon 2, launching the psychedelic beam to Chris. The beam completely deflected off of Chris.
"Ha ha ha ha!" Chris laughed. "Have I got a Secret to tell you! I was a Human-Type Pokemon all along!"
"What!?" Jake said.
"Human-type?" Matthew said, as he and the other trainers seemed confused at the concept.
"How can that be!? You have Pokemon of your own!" Jake stated back to Chris.
"Haha. I am Human/Dark. And it was I who was responsible for bringing about the darkness that had been unleashed upon the world of Pokemon!" Chris said, smiling and laughing. "See, I was granted the power to bend Universes, that was how I recruited those characters from Grim Fandango."
"This is complete madness. And THIS is what Science truly brings? I must find a way to kill you now!" Jake said, taking out two Poke Balls. "Go Beedrill and Scizor!"
"Spear!" said Beedrill.
"Scizor!" said Scizor.
"Hahaha. Silly kids, you can't defeat me. You will get the Land of the Dead badge if you do, and no Pokemon Trainer would ever want the Land of the Dead badge!" Chris said.
"Stop repeating yourself and fight!" Jake said.
"Oh fine, look I'm not here to fight." Chris said. "But, I had to come to warn you that Jason knows you guys are here."
"I am not the least bit surprised." Jake said. "He has accumulated so much Power, why wouldn't he?"
"And in addition to myself, he has a lot of strong Pokemon, including all four Official Kanto Legendaries and… some more Human-Type Pokemon, the most powerful in existence!" Chris said.
"The strongest Human-Types?" Jake asked.
"Jake, what are Human-Type Pokemon?" Matthew asked.
"I will tell you guys later." Jake said.
"Okay I will go. But just know Jason isn't gonna go down easy." Chris said, as his body evaporated into the air somehow. "So loooong" he said, as his voice reverberated away…
It was now nighttime. Out on the top of a flat on the cliff was the Helicopter John & Psycho had used. They had set up camp and a fire and were preparing themselves. "Hmmm, I'm so bored." Psycho said.
"So am I." John responded, there really was nothing much for them to do at the time. "Hahaha. I have an idea, I gave my Slowpoke this new Random TM when we were back on Lubbers Island." John said, taking out his Poke Ball. "Go Slowpoke!"
"Slowpoke!" said Slowpoke.
"Alright Slowpoke, use Transform into a Hot Tub!" John commanded.
"Slowpoke!" said Slowpoke, and its whole body transformed into a Hot Tub, with Slowpoke's face at the top in the back. "Slowpoke!"
"Whoa! Alright!" Psycho said, as he jumped right into the Hot Tub.
"Ahahaha." John said. "I still have a bottle of vodka too!"
Ten Minutes passes…
From out of the darkness of the night, a figure appeared to John and Psycho, continuously approaching them moving closer and closer to the Hot Tub, until the figure entered it without consent. It was a Woman, a brunette woman, and she was completely naked. Psycho and John looked at each other with puzzled looks of amazement. "Uh, can we help you?" John said to the woman.
"This is our Hot Tub. You can't just jump right into it without permission!" Psycho said. The woman just looked up to them and did not say a word. "Huh? Uhhh…" Psycho said, sensing something coming from this woman.
"Pssshhh hahahaha!" The woman started to laugh. "You're too late!" she said, as she quickly shot herself out of the Hot Tub into the air.
"Slowpoke! Slowpoke!" said the Slowpoke Hot Tub, as its body abruptly transformed back to normal, and John, Psycho and Slowpoke had become trapped in a net that had somehow been placed under them, the three were now trapped overhead in a net sack hanging from a tree.
"What! Oh no!" John said, as he and Psycho looked down on the ground, to see the Woman now had on her clothes made from Brown Leather.
"I knew it! Its.. its.. them!" Psycho said, as two more Women appeared. The first was a Black-haired woman dressed in a Russian Cossack get-up with the hat. The second was a Blonde dressed in an outfit themed after the American flag. "They are… the very first Human-Type Pokemon created!" Psycho said, as he transformed his hand into a Poke Dex.
Alotta Vagina
Ivanna Humpalot
Felicity Shagwell
A trio of female Human-Type Pokemon, they were the first to be born and had been modeled off characters from the Austin Powers movies. Reportedly, they posses the power to stop Pokemon completely in their tracks using their feminine charms.
"What!" John said. "We're in trouble!"
"No we are not, don't worry, I am Human-Type as well." Psycho said. "And I can transform my body into anything!" Psycho said, as he transformed his arms into knives, cutting apart the net and releasing himself with John and his Slowpoke.
"We gotta try do something about them now!" John spoke up. "Slowpoke, use Disintegration Beam!" John commanded.
"Yes! Good idea!" Psycho said.
"Sloooooow!" said Slowpoke, as it shot out from its eyes the Disintegration Beam, aiming for Alotta. The beam did hit Alotta, but it had absolutely no affect.
"Haha." The three girls laughed.
"What happened!? Somehow it didn't work!" Psycho said.
"Guess I'll have to try something else, go Geodude!" John said, sending out Geodude.
"Geodude!" said John's Geodude.
"Try punch them Geodude!" John commanded.
"Geo!" Geodude said, floating to the trio fisting the air.
"Looks like Felicity is up!" said Felicity Shagwell, as she stepped forward and grabbed a hold of Geodude. "Now, its time to use Shag!" Felicity commanded to herself, and she then Shagged Geodude.
"AUGH! EW!" John said. "This is not what a Pokemon Battle is, return Geodude!" John said, recalling Geodude. "I know just how to stop you! Go Mankey!"
"Mankey!!" Said John's Mankey, with its fists in the air, rearing to go.
"Hahaha." Said Alotta Vagina, as she stepped forward.
"Mankey, use Dragon Rage!" John commanded.
"MMMMMMMmmmmmmAAAAAAAAAAAA" Mankey screamed as its eyes turned cobalt blue and angry, swinging its fists into the air and launching itself with pure rage at Alotta.
"Hahaha. You mean you WOULD hit a woman?" Alotta asked to Mankey, as her outfit transformed off revealing her breasts. "Now, take this! Milk Squirt!" Alotta commanded to herself, as she grabbed and squeezed her nipple. A stream of white liquid shot out of Alotta and straight onto the outraged Mankey, who had suddenly stopped moving and seemed to have a more of a horny look in its eyes. Mankey had then started to blush heavily.
"Man man… Maaaankey!" Mankey said, and it rushed off to hang around behind a bush, away from everyone's sight for a few minutes.
"Mankey! Get back here!" John attempted to command to his Mankey, who would not come from behind the bush. "What kind of madness is this? These creatures really are Pokemon?" John asked to Psycho.
"I am afraid they are." Psycho said. "Just as I am one too, these are the results of the horrible experiments science has brought us. Legend has it that the Glitches that infected the cloning systems had the power to force any Pokemon to learn any Move. That foolish Professor Fuji, attempting to clone his daughter, it was his fault the Human DNA had become mixed with the DNA of Mew, the only Pokemon that can learn every single Move." Psycho rambled. "Because of this, the power of the Human-Type Pokemon was endless. Just as I can transform my body into absolutely anything, so can these three Human-Types have the power to greatly arouse any Pokemon with their feminine charms."
"It must work on the Pokemon because they are Pokemon too. Not Human-Human." John said, pulling out his last Poke Ball. "Well, at least I've been preparing. They will never survive this, go Charmeleon!"
"Charmeleon!" said John's Charmeleon.
"Haha. Vyou vreally sink vyou caan stopp me?" said Ivanna Humpalot, stepping forward.
"Charmeleon, use Super Fire Blast!" John commanded.
"Chaaaaaar!" Charmeleon said with an angry look in its flaming eyes. Charmeleon then shot out its Super Fire Blast towards Ivanna. Ivanna stood there, ready to take the flames with a smile. The instant the flames made contact with the Human-Type, the flames had completely vanished. Not even smoke lingered.
"What? Nothing we do seems to be harming them!" John said with great concern. "What do we do now?" he asked to Psycho.
"I… I do not know…" Psycho said. At that moment, Alotta, Ivanna & Felicity had walked point-blank to John and Psycho. "Alright everyone, use Titty Show!" Alotta commanded to herself, and her cohorts. Simultaneously, the three Human-Types grabbed their tops, and revealed their bare chests to John & Psycho.
"Oh… man!" John said, flabbergasted in his tracks.
"Ma… Momma!" Psycho said, completely enamored.
"Hahahaha. Vey are commpletely vrozen in their traacks." said Ivanna.
"Time to use Hair Wrap!" Felicity commanded to Ivanna.
"Hahaha." Ivanna laughed, as masses of hair had started to shoot out from some area of her body. The hair binded John and Psycho, eventually causing them to collapse unconscious.
"Time to collect them, and bring them to our master." Alotta said.
John and Psycho had become captured by the three Human-Type Pokemon, and had been carried away off to a fortress in the distance…
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