Saturday, January 26, 2013

Full Moon Party tonight!

Well, there's your random blog post for the now. As of this writing, I got a ride to Lubbers (the real Lubbers Island) possibly lined up. Watch something come up though, and prevent me from getting there.

So yeah going back to the fan fic... Even though I claimed no "Main Players" were going to be involved, at the last minute, I threw Jake into the Lubbers Island Conflict to show off these "Full Moon Parties."

(and just the fact that the DJ plays Katy Perry and songs like "Footloose" makes the FMP one of the funnest things to do around the small islands I live on)

The story will be back whenever I write out, like always.

Edit: God, that party sucked... We dipped out by 10:30. Oh well, the one during Spring Break was sick last year, so let's go for that!

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