Star Wars Episode 1 Story
In the Star Wars Universe, around the time of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, on the planet Tatooiene, there lived three people who lived in the same house. The first was the leader, a Jedi named Greggy, his Scout Cam, and their crazy Soldier friend named Ry.
Greggy, Cam and Ry were upstairs in Greggy's house, in his bedroom. "Tmmmth, bey Greggy what's with these posters, man?" Ry said. "You got all this Sarah Michelle Gellar and Melissa Joan Hart posters bey!"
"Aw yeah." Greggy said. "I don't guess you'd really understand that stuff Ry, you be all confused in bed and stuff."
Just then, a laser blast went off outside. "Oh no!" Cam said. "It seems Darth Maul and his ship is above us!" he said, noting Darth Maul's spaceship flying past. "We have to hurry to our starship! Oh wait, we don't have a starship. We need to get a Starship!"
Greggy, Cam and Ry ran out into the town of Mos Espas to see what was going on in public, and the streets were normal, as if no big Podrace was about to go on.
"Well now that we're here, I think I'll be going on my own." Ry said. "I have some things I want to do." he said, walking off.
"Let him go." Greggy said. "He'll get his ass handed to him eventually."
"Right." Cam said.
"For now, I got someone I want to meet." Greggy said, as he and Cam started to walk off.
"And we gotta get a Starship!" Cam said.
Ry was in a low-class part of town. He walked up to a Rodian citizen. "Excuse me sir." Ry asked. "Can you tell me where I can find Anakin Skywalker?"
"Ah yes, he lives in the Slaves Quarters." the Rodian said.
"Oh, so do you know where he is?" Ry asked.
"I just told you, in the Slaves Quarters." the Roadian repeated.
"Oh, ho ho, he won't be a Slave after I meet him!" Ry said with a smirk.
Ry had made it to the Slaves Quarters. He walked up to the door of the Skywalker's Residence and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, on the other side was a young boy. "Can I help you?" The boy asked to Ry.
"Anakin! It's me! Your brother!" Ry said.
"Uh... What?" Anakin said. "You gotta be like 10 years older than me!"
"No, dude. You have to believe me here. I am your brother. I'm here to save you from the Wickedness Force." Ry insisted to Anakin.
"Ummm. One, I don't have a brother. Two, you sound like a crazy street hoodlum hoping to sap off of the slaves." Anakin said, as he was about to close the door.
"ANAKIN! I AM OWEN! Luke Skywalker had an Uncle Owen!" Ry screamed.
Anakin stood there staring. "Mom, did you have a son named Owen?" Anakin asked.
"No." answered Anakin's mom.
Anakin then slammed the door shut. Ry stood there with anger and a few tears in his eyes. "FINE THEN! Enjoy falling into lava, losing your lungs, and becoming an evil chancellor!" Ry said, as he stormed off.
Greggy and Cam were in the trade district, Greggy kept looking into each store, until they got to a certain one.
"Hiii, welcome to Watto's Flea Market." said the Toydarian individual. "My boy Anakin should be here soon, he'll take care of all your purchases, until then, the droid can help." said Watto, and he flappered off.
"Okay so what are we here for?" Cam asked. "I want to hurry up and get a Star Ship!" he said eagerly.
"Relax! It's okay! I'm here because I'm looking for a certain woman." Greggy said, as he peered around the store, and the few ladies that were there. Greggy had a strange grin. He then walked up to a girl who wore blue and was a Brunette. "Hey, excuse me. Hope Watto has what you need on special, you'd hate to use so much time making yourself so lovely just to waste it." Greggy said, trying to use a pickup line. Cam put his hands to his mouth to hide his laughter, not knowing what to expect.
Ry was running around the town of Mos Espas, frantically looking for some mayhem to cause. "UGH! I have to screw up the Star Wars timeline of events somehow!" He said out loud. "Hey wait a minute, I know!" he said, and he ran off into the open desert.
Meanwhile back at Watto's Flea Market, Greggy was flirting and sweet talking with the girl he met. "Okay, it's been 10 minutes, lets go Greggy!" Cam said.
"No! No! Reh! I'm almost at 2nd base!" Greggy stupidly said.
Suddenly, in from the outside of the flea market entered a Jedi-looking Man, a Brunette Woman in Blue, a Gungan, and an R2-D2 Droid. "Hey, wait a minute!" Greggy shouted, upon noticing this woman.
"I don't want you!" Greggy said, rudely to the woman he got. "I want Natalie Portman's character!" he said, tossing the other woman to the side.
"Hah, dude, you are crazy. Let's go!" Cam said, grabbing his Jedi friend and walking off.
Ry was out in the open desert, and was standing by a Space Ship that was positioned and stationed on the desert. "Requesting permission to come aboard!" Ry said to the ship. The doors opened, and two security guards looked out.
"What business do you have with us?" asked the Security guards.
"Good day!" Ry said. "I am a courier from the Jedi Council of Coruscant. I have a very urgent message for Queen Amidala!" Ry said.
The Security guards exchanged glances and one said. "You know of us transporting Queen Amidala... I guess we must trust the Jedi Council."
"Great!" Ry said. The stairs descended, and soon Ry entered the Space Ship.
"The Queen's Chamber is down the hall." The Security Guard said.
"Thank you. One more thing, this message is only for her. Nobody else can hear it." Ry said.
"Uh, okay." The guard said, and Ry went swiftly down the hall.
Ry entered the chamber of Queen Amidala. She sat there on her throne with her big hair and stupid makeup. "Queen Amidala! I am so happy to see you alive." Ry said.
"Yes." The Queen said.
"I am a courier from the Jedi Council, I have an urgent, private message to tell you." Ry said.
"Okay, go on." The Queen said.
"Uh, wait a second. You and only you can hear this. I'm not gonna speak until I know for sure no one else can hear." Ry said. Queen Amidala responded with a mean look, and pressed a button on her console. Just then, all the doors and windows were closed by retracting brick doors, preventing others from entering and from hearing the inside.
"Okay... I really didn't want to say this but... You are not really Queen Amidala, you are a fake." Ry said.
This time, Queen Amidala responded with a look of fear in her eyes, and her mouth dropped open. Queen Amidala then pressed the button again, opening all the doors. Queen Amidala sat there, looking into space, she closed her mouth, and took a deep breath....
Queen Amidala was shouting at the top of her lungs, an obscenity that wasn't going to end. Just the fact that someone knew her Secret meant big trouble. "Uh, oh my. Guess I better get out of here!" Ry said, jumping out of the window, leaving Queen Amidala to continue shouting her obscenity.
"Damnit Greggy, we need to get a Star Ship!" Cam insisted to Greggy. Cam and Greggy were standing around a scrap yard.
"ALRIGHT FINE!" Greggy shouted. "You want a Star Ship? Then lets build the Death Star!"
Cam just stood there without saying anything. "Come on! Let's start!" Greggy said, and he and Cam started gathering the scrap metal needed.
50 Years Later
Greggy and Cam were still in the same Scrapyard, but had aged 50 years. "Okay, just one piece left to go!" Cam said, with a frail voice, he struggled to put the last piece in, and then he collapsed, dying.
"Oh no!" Greggy said too with a frail voice, and he collapsed, dying.
The near completed Death Star sat there in the Scrapyard, waiting for the day it will be used.
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