Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 92: Oil Rig Revelations

On an Oil Rig off the east coast of Pallet Town, was Marble, the Dragon Trainer. At this point in his Pokemon journey, Marble had four Gyarados, all with nicknames. Fury, his first one, Meaky, his second one, Disaster, his third one, and Tempest, his newly captured one. Tempest was also a rare Shiny Red Gyarados. In addition, Bill, his Psyduck, was now a Golduck. Marble had been spending time on the Oil Rig training his Pokemon, all six of his Pokemon were out of their Poke Balls, including his Dragonair, who has still not reunited with its family.
“Alright, time to get some training in. We’re planning on going after Viridian Gym tomorrow!” Marble said. “Go Dragonair and Disaster!”
“Dragonair!” said Dragonair.
“Gyarados!” said Disaster.
“Disaster, use Flamethrower. Dragonair, use Confuse Ray!” Marble commanded to his Pokemon. Disaster launched its Fire breath to Dragonair, and Dragoinair did not do anything.
“Golduck! Golduck!” Bill said, getting Marble’s attention, as Bill had been watching over the mysterious Blue egg Marble had acquired in the Seafoam Islands from Jason that one time.
“What? What? It’s hatching?” Marble said, as he scurried back to the side to watch the Blue egg crack up. “Oh my God!” Marble said with the exact same giddiness when he originally discovered the Egg.


“Articuno!” said the baby Articuno chick.
“Yes! I now have an Articuno!” Marble said, excited at his acquirement. “This is really going to help me become a Dragon Master!” Marble said ironically.
“Faaaather.” a voice suddenly said, speaking from the baby Articuno chick. “I haaaave story!”
“What? You can talk?” Marble said.
“My mother waaanted me to tell you this story once. After I saaaay, I will never speak agaaaain.” The Articuno Chick said.
“Then tell me, what is the message?” Marble said to his Articuno.
“Mother has been captured by an evil Pokemon trainer named Jaaaason. This will lead to a big conflict when she as well as the three other Legendary Pokemon are put together. We must saaaaave Mother! Jaaaaason is soon to go to his base, where the Grand Orchestration will take place. Now, I go silent....” The Articuno chick said.
“Wait, thats it?” Marble said. “That didn’t make much sense.”
“Articuno!” the Articuno chick said, apparently never speaking again.
“But you say Jason is an evil Pokemon trainer. Hmmm” Marble said. “Funnily enough, it was because of what I thought was his kindness, I acquired you in the first place.”
“Articuno!” said the Articuno chick.
Marble stood up and looked towards the sky. “What is going on in the Pokemon World?” Marble asked to himself.

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