Friday, March 2, 2012

Chapter 73: Connecting the Dots of Secrets

Matthew sat on the benches at the Ferry Dock of Star City. He had made arrangements with his friend Brian to meet him in the Southern Islands to explore Lubbers Island together. The time was 10:55AM, and a ferry boat arrived to drop Brian off. Brian climbed up the dock steps off the boat. “It was a pleasure carrying you!” said one of the ferry operators who was a man with blue hair.
“Please travel with us again!” said the other operator, who was a woman with long, red hair.
“No problem guys! Was so nice to see you!” said Brian, waving back. “Hey Matthew!”
“Good to see you Brian. Boy things got crazy when you left me on Cinnabar Island. Blaine, the Gym Leader, KIDNAPPED me for starters! But anyway, we got matters to attend to.” Matthew said to Brian.
“I look forward to exploring this island with you.” Brian said. “Hey, did you know Jessie & James now work as Ferry operators? But in an alternate universe, they still pursue a Pikachu that was mediocre all along.”

*Ba-dum TCCH*

“So anyway, what’s this about this Lubbers Island?” Brian asked. “And why is it named after an alternative name for condom?”
“I don’t know. Professor Sashkatch told me the Yahoe was from the Island of Lubbers, yet the people here don’t call it that. And it’s apparently a broken island.” Matthew said.
“How are we going to get there?” Brian asked.
“I got a charter lined up...” Matthew said.

Matthew and Brian took the charter boat to Lubbers Island.

Matthew and Brian were dropped off at the dock of the beach bar “Cracker’s.” “Lets not even stop.” said Matthew. “I just want to explore the island and search for clues on the Yahoe.”
“Okay.” said Brian, and he and Matthew walked down the path into a jungle.

“Ooooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh, Aaaaaah aaaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaaaaah!” said stock jungle noises, as two people, a man and a woman, walked through the jungle.
“Hurry my sister, we gotta get to the airport!” said the brother.
“Airport? We’re in a jungle!” said the sister, and the two walked further into the bushes.

Matthew and Brian walked through the jungle, eventually reaching a long hill. “Well, the island is pretty small.” said Matthew. “We’ll have this place covered in about 3 hours or so.”
“Hey, Matthew.” said Brian, pointing to something. “What is that?”
“What?” said Matthew, and the two observed a cave in the bushed.
“Wow.” said Brian.
“We should explore it.” said Matthew, leading him and Brian in.

“Wow, it got dark in here!” Brian said. “Go Pikachu!” he said, tossing a Poke Ball.
“Pikachu!” said Brian’s Pikachu.
“Pikachu, use Flash.” Brian commanded, and Pikachu started to glow light.
“Cree cree cree!” said some noises, as a bunch of bats started flying away into a deeper chamber.
“Whoa! Were those Zubats?” Matthew said.
“I don’t know, lets check!” Brian responded. Brian and Matthew ran down the chamber and around the corner to witness 8 Bats fly slowly onto the ground and fluttered around it...


“Vam-praaaaa! Vam-PRAAAAA!” said the 8 new figures that apparently transformed from the Bats.
“What the fuck?” said Matthew.
“What are they? Are they Pokemon??” Brian said, as he took out his Pokedex...

Vampra has the power to suck all of the blood from its target, killing them, and turning them into vampires.

The Vampra were medium sized, had whitish skin, sharp teeth and red eyes. They all wore a cape and their skin was definitely not glittery. “Vam-praaaa!!” said one of the Vampra, as it crept closer to Matthew & Brian, taking out a pointy straw ready to suck blood.
“Oh my God!” said Matthew. “Lets go, Golem!” he said in desperation, taking out a Poke Ball and tossing it.
“Goolem!” said the Golem, revealing that Matthew has one.
“We will need more help than this.” said Brian. “Go Pinsir and Machoke!”
“Pinsir!” said Pinsir.
Maaaa-choke!” said Brian’s never before seen Pokemon.
“Alright, they’re all sturdy, it’ll be hard for the Vampra to suck on them!” said Matthew.
“Fight!” Brian commanded.

The three real Pokemon had defeated all but two Vampra.

The two Vampra’s transformed into their Bat mode and flew away.
“Sheesh, they gave up!” said Matthew, recalling his Golem.
“Return Pinsir and Machoke.” Brian said, recalling his Pinsir and Machoke.
“The Pokedex called them “Human-Type” Pokemon.” Matthew said. “I’ve, never heard of them!”
“Me neither.” Brian responded. “Not even Professor Sashkatch has told me about them. The Pokemon world has gone freaking crazy!” he commented.
“Hey, I see light at the end of that tunnel!” Matthew pointed out.
“Oh, awesome! Let’s see what’s on the other side!” Brain said.
Matthew and Brian walked down the shaft into outside the cave exit.

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