“Ooooh. Where am I?” Andy thought to himself as he was coming to. He opened his eyes, to the first sight of tall blades of grass, and the blue sky above. He still had a headache, and was rubbing his head. He rose up, but found the grass to be taller than him. Andy felt really thirsty.
“Hey, are you alright?” asked a voice from behind.
“No… I’m lost…” answered Andy, and turned around to see the person he was talking to was a Ratatta! “Wait a minute, you can talk?” asked Andy, thinking to have discovered an elusive talking Pokemon.
“Of course I can talk…” Ratatta answered casually. “Don’t you know that all Pokemon are fully capable of speaking with each other?” He asked.
“What? I’m not a Pokemon!” responded Andy. “I’m a trainer!”
“Umm, you look like a Pokemon to me.” Said Ratatta. “Take a look into that puddle.” He pointed to a puddle nearby. Andy looked into the reflection given off by the water, and in the reflection, he saw the face of an Abra, mimicking his every gesture as if he was looking into a mirror. Andy shriveled himself, clutched his heart, and screamed.
“Yyyyyaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” he shouted loudly. It was clear that Andy has been transformed into an Abra, the very one that he captured while on the way to Bill’s House to deliver the package. Andy was upset and angry, who could have done this, and why? He quickly thought about his own Pokemon. His poor baby Squirtle, his Human-Type Pokemon Ninja, what has happened to them? Are they in the wrong hands? He looked down, and Ratatta walked over.
“You alright?” asked Ratatta.
“Ratatta, my name is Andy.” Andy started. “I’m a Pokemon Trainer from Pallet Town. My friend sent me on a mission to deliver something to Mr. Bill of Cerulean Cape. The last thing I remember, is looking at his machi-“ Andy stopped and thought. “Oh no! So that’s how this happened?” Andy asked himself. “Maybe we can reverse this!”
“I know how to get there.” Said Ratatta. “”Follow me!”
“I just hope my body is still there.” Said Andy. The two Pokemon ran off. After running through the tall grass, they entered a clearing.
“Bill’s lab is on the other side of this field.” Ratatta said. “I’d take you further, but my mom would get upset if I’m late for dinner. It’s a Pokemon Thing…”
“So I guess this is goodbye.” Andy said. “I understand, humans are a little like that too. Thank you for everything!”
“Good luck getting back your body!” said Ratatta. “And I hope your Pokemon are alright!“ Ratatta walked back into the grass, leaving Andy the Abra to start his quest of getting his body back.
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