The Pokemon League Championship Title match was taking place between Jason and Adam. Adam’s Pokemon was his Secret Pokemon, Ultrazard, and Jason’s Pokemon was the most powerful Pokemon in existence, Mewtwo. During the heat of the title match, Mewtwo had suddenly started to glow Green. And then, all of the members of the Elite 4 showed up to watch the fight, Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha and Lance.
“What a tremendous fight!” Bruno said.
“I’m really worried about that kid’s Mewtwo.” Agatha said. “In all my years of Pokemon battling, I’ve never seen a Pokemon with such a disease.”
“Disease? Is that what this is, Agatha?” Lorelei asked. Agatha didn’t answer.
“Mewtwo, are you absolutely sure you’re alright?” Jason asked, with actual concern.
“I’ve already told you master, I’m fiiiiiiiine.” Mewtwo responded. “Command a move, I will show you!”
“Alright, use Psychic!” Jason commanded.
“Hya!” Mewtwo said, hastily launching a very strong Psychic wave attack to Ultrazard.
“Quick, Ultrazard, take to the sky!” Adam commanded.
“Ultra! ZARD!” Ultrazard said, and it flew into the sky.
“Mewtwo, put up a couple Barriers!” Jason commanded. Mewtwo responded by putting up 2 Barrier walls.
“Haah!” Mewtwo said.
“Mewtwo!” Jason said.
“I’m alright master, feeling tooooooo good!” Mewtwo said. “Trust me man!”
“Ultrazard, use Fire Blast!” Adam commanded.
“Ultra!” Ultrazard said while still in the sky, and it blasted a humongous fire blast at Mewtwo.
“Now Ultrazard, Fly and combine your own strength with your own fire!” Adam commanded.
“Ultrazard!” Ultrazard said, as it dashed in the sky into its own Fire Blast, the temperature of the blaze even higher, and shooting at supersonic speed.
“Impressive!” Lance said, watching from the sidelines.
“Fuck! Mewtwo! Use Recover!” Jason said in haste, before the smoke could even evaporate.
“Ooookay!” Mewtwo said, as it definitely used recover as the smoke started to fade. But as the smoke faded, Mewtwo’s body glowed even darker green. Adam stood there with his jaw dropped agape in shock.
“Mewtwo... what’s happened?” Jason asked.
“I... dunno!” Mewtwo said. “I... can still attack though!”
“Okay then, use Psychic!” Jason commanded.
“Here we goooooo!” Mewtwo said, all giddy. Mewtwo then launched an extremely powerful wave of Psychic energy, damaging Ultrazard critically.
“Ultrazard!” Ultrazard said, falling onto the ground and fainting.
“No! Ultrazard! I don’t believe it!” Adam said.
“Hahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Jason evilly laughed. “Not even your own Secret Pokemon, that only the Pokemon Champion can get, could withstand my power. Even if you do somehow defeat Mewtwo, I still have Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres.”
“Jason...” Adam said, with tears welling up in his eyes.
“Don’t you get it Adam? You lose. I’m gonna be the Pokemon Master!” Jason said, with a wicked glare in his eyes.
“Fuck you Jason.” Adam said, taking out one more Poke Ball. “We’re about to fuck you up! Go Squigglystuff!”
“Wigglytuff!” said Squigglystuff, rearing to the rescue.
“Hah, a Wigglytuff? That’s the best you got to save your ass?” Jason said.
“Squigglystuff, Brandish!” Adam commanded.
“Wiggly!” Squigglystuff said, brandishing a dagger in both its arms.
“Hah, don’t you know Mewtwo doesn’t even do fisticuffs?” Jason said. “Mewtwo, use Psychic!” Jason commanded.
“Hyaaa!” Mewtwo said, launching its Psychic blast.
“Wiggly!” Squgglystuff said, yet despite the major damage it took, Squigglystuff stood standing.
“Wh-AAT?” Jason said distinctively. “How can that be? It took one Psychic to defeat Ultrazard, but a Wigglytuff survives?”
“Haha. A Wigglytuff is one of those fairy-like Pokemon, they come with high Special stats.” Adam said. “Haha, I got a trick for you, Squigglystuff, use Rest!”
“Wigglytuff...” Squigglystuff said, cuddling up its body and resting, restoring its HP.
“Dammit.” Jason said.
“Maaaaster!” Mewtwo interrupted.
“What Mewtwo?” Jason asked.
“I’m... feeling very strange.” Mewtwo said, as its Green glow started to glow dark.
“Uhhhh...” Jason said, unsure how to react.
“Oh my God, its going to blow.” Lorelei said from the sidelines, as she and the rest of the Elite 4 started to escape. Adam stared directly at Mewtwo, as its body started to shake.
Jason, Adam and Mewtwo were victim of the explosion, the Elite 4 managed to escape in time.